Ruby-throated Hummingbirds & Lights Out Wake
As we start to say goodbye to long summer days and settle into the rhythms of a new season, we turn once…
She is glorious as the rainbow, as she flies she makes a little humming noise like a humble bee
As the dog days arrive, it feels far too hot outside for anything more than perhaps a leisurely lounge by the…
Hummingbirds in July
The blisteringly hot month of July does not seem like the best time to raise young, especially if you are a…
The Ingenious Architect: How the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Builds Her Nest
This month, Wake Audubon invites you to join us in a blog-writing experiment. This Bird of the Year article…
The (Humming) Birds and the Bees
Pollen – so much pollen – is not the only thing wafting on the breeze these days. Love is also in the air!…
Celebrating our Volunteer Award Winners, Colleen Bockhahn & Larry Zoller!
Happy Volunteer Appreciation week! Did you know that Wake Audubon is an entirely volunteer-run organization?…
It’s Stress Awareness Month. Let birds be your remedy.
I’ll admit I’m stressed a lot of the time. Work. Relationships. Health concerns. The wellbeing of my nearly…
The Rubies Return
The pear and cherry trees have bloomed and leafed out. The eastern redbuds are glorious fuschia. Your yard is…
Embracing the Majesty of the Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal, male. Photo by Keith Kennedy. By Gerry Luginbuhl Authored by Rick LaRose…