Lights Out Wake
We advocate for Lights Out using simple steps that everyone can take to create a safer and healthier environment for birds, insects, animals, plants and people.
Did you know that every year, nearly one billion birds collide with glass in the U.S.? Window collisions are one of the leading human causes of bird mortality.
Bird-building collisions can happen at any time of the year but tend to increase during migration. Most birds migrate at night, and lights from buildings can disorient birds, causing them to stop in areas of unsuitable habitat. Birds may try to fly through windows, as they don’t perceive the glass. Brightly lit areas can also trap birds, causing them to waste precious energy reserves by flying around in confusion.
There is an easy way to minimize this threat and make a big difference for the birds – turn your lights out! Turning off unneeded lights not only reduces bird mortality, it also reduces energy costs and light pollution overall. The most crucial times for these measures are during spring and fall migration.
Bird migration seasons for North Carolina are:
Fall: September 10 – November 30
Spring: March 15 – May 31
Here’s what YOU can do to help save birds:
- Minimize outdoor lighting from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m!
- Use motion sensor lights if needed for security.
- Turn off lights when in your home and office when not in use.
- Close blinds & drapes at night.
- Have outdoor lights shine down.
- Add reflective window stickers (like the picture on the left) to windows that are high-collision areas.
We invite you to become a Lights Out Wake participant by taking the pledge to use bird-friendly steps during spring and fall migration between the hours of 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM to create safe passage for migrating birds.
Residential Pledge
Sign the Residential Pledge
Be a leader in your neighborhood and spread the word to go LIGHTS OUT!
Commercial Pledge
Sign the Commercial Pledge
Help your workplace become leaders in helping birds safely migrate!
Advances in technology and reporting mechanisms empower scientists and citizens around the globe to help reduce bird collisions with buildings.
The following websites can help everyone become a Lights Out Wake supporter
If you’d like to report sightings of birds that have struck windows, please log your data on dBird!
Dark Sky
Dark Sky
Learn more about how light pollution impacts not just birds, but other wildlife, humans, and plants.
Learn more about Lights Out Projects around NC!
Lights out NC
Across North Carolina, towns and cities are adopting Lights Out programs to make the night skies darker and safer for migrating birds. Learn more at their website.