Wake Audubon Meetup

This interactive site provides an alternative channel to find out about Wake Audubon’s calendar of activities. It’s free and easy to join!

Just visit the Wake Audubon Meetup homepage. Click the Join Us button to create your Meetup account, or you can sign up using Facebook.

Our calendar on this site is essentially the same as on the Meetup site. See information on upcoming bird walks, trips and events.

While many Wake Audubon activities do not require an RSVP, some do. For these, call or email the event leader as shown on either calendar, or use the RSVP feature unique to our Meetup site to directly confirm your participation online.

We post the checklist of birds seen on all trips on the Meetup site (as well as ebird.org). You can post comments and questions, answered by L. Erla Beegle, Wake Audubon chapter member and Meetup leader. You can post and enjoy photos from previous birding trips, too!

Meetup.com allows members to find and join groups unified by a common interest, such as books, games, movies, health, pets, careers or hobbies. Users enter their city and the topic they want to meet about. Meetup has over 13 million members. Wake Audubon Meetup has over 350 members – try it out today!