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Building a Home – The Nesting Cavities of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker

Welcome back to our bird of the year, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker! If you needed a little refresher on who our bird is, here’s an amazing picture of one in its natural pine ecosystems. Now, one of the most fascinating things about our bird of the year is its unique nest/cavity construction behavior. Unlike other woodpeckers who bore their cavities from dead trees, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker is the only one that excavates live, mature pine trees! The NC Wildlife Resources Commission explains that this preference for live trees may be an adaptation “in response to…

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Meet the 2025 Wake Audubon Bird of the Year!

When famed naturalist William Bartram trekked through the wilderness of the southeastern United State in the…

Winter is Here!

Although it is not yet December 21st, in terms of the hummingbird calendar in North Carolina the winter…

Hummingbirds in Paradise or in Peril?

As we begin our season of longer nights and cooler days, darker mornings and earlier evenings, it might be…

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