
Wake Audubon’s programs promote learning for every age.
  • We provide outreach at local annual events and festivals including BugFest and the Blue Jay Point Songbird Celebration.
  • We speak at libraries, community centers, civic groups, garden clubs and more.
  • As shown on our calendar, we host monthly speakers as well as nature walks, field trips and workshops across a wide array of interests.
  • We lead conservation initiatives with opportunities for you to participate in ongoing efforts to nurture species and protect our local habitats.
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  • We are looking for a new volunteer leader for the Young Naturalist Club, a group for students ages 12-18 interested in exploring our many local natural areas.
  • We promote Audubon Adventures in School, National Audubon’s award winning classroom science program for 3rd-5th graders.

Wake Audubon welcomes the opportunity to speak to your organization, club or troop. Tell us about your group and topic idea.

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