Our Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The birds Audubon pledges to protect differ in color, size, behavior, geographical preference, and countless other ways. By honoring and celebrating the equally remarkable diversity of the human species, Audubon will bring new creativity, effectiveness and leadership to our work throughout the hemisphere.
The National Audubon Society, 2020
Wake Audubon endorses National Audubon’s statement of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and we aspire to achieve it. We pledge to apply its vision to our own community.
Injustice, inequity and disparity affect many people, including here in Wake
County. While our chapter has always been open to all, our heightened understanding of white privilege, ableism, and discrimination in its many forms tells us that we must do more. We want everyone to feel included, safe and welcome to be their authentic selves when they participate with us.
We therefore strive to reflect Wake County’s diversity in our leadership and membership. The expertise, values, history and perspectives of a diverse and inclusive chapter are fundamental to achieving the mission we embrace.
We will work for environmental justice and support community members striving to protect the health of their environment. We commit to provide programs and activities where all can safely access and celebrate nature. Our events will be open and available to all who wish to participate regardless of race, ethnic identity, physical ability, gender, sexual orientation, political persuasion, religion, or age. We pledge to design and advance our mission with inclusion, equity and diversity at the center.